Hong Kong, day 2.

Woke up not to early today, think I had something like 12-13 hours of non-stop sleep. That big dim sum meal did tha trick I think. Anyways, today is sunday and we had noe plans in particular

So we took to the streets again,  heading towards Victoria Harbour. As i said before, the hotel is at Kowloon wich is the area on the oter side of Victoria Harbour, the area we are in is called Tsim Sha Tsui – and we have pretty much stayed within this area… Tomorrow we will venture further outside of this kinda posh fancy area.

Crazy kid

Bruce Lee was an American but of Chineese decent – both parents where chineese. I dont know the ties to Hong kong, but he hade a big mansion here – the mansion i still here… Bruce is not.  – and Bruce Lee also died here in Hong Kong. So of course there is a statue of the man himself.

Lazy kid

Lots of people stopping by and taking a picture. And a lot also trying some flying kicks n stuff… i did not.

We also got a view of the harbour for the first time, and me And maren got that new header picture for the travel blog. The weather was ok, some rainshower that lasted only a few minutes, and some clouds – but the view was nice due to the clear air atleast. And yeah, it is crazy humid and hot. I’m dripping..

LCX Shopping center

And also, we got to visit a hughe shopping center, which is not my ideal way to spend time. But I had found a Moomie Cafe on google maps researching some weeks before – and I knew Maren would really like this. So..shopping center.

The fun thing is, I knew that this would be sweet and nice and cuddely and moomie moomie.. But someplace, in the back of my mind I thoght. Finland… Lapin Kulta…hmm.. It cant ? No ? .. not in moomie land ? surely ?

Oh yeah ! Moomin cafe had Lapin Kulta

But yeah, they did – happy days. They also had lots and lots of moomie stuff of course. And it was all nice, the foob and drinks was nicely presentended and tasted great. Not the cheapest place I have to say. But, the big sellingpoint was the view, overlooking Victoria Harbour and all the ferris crossing –  it was well worth the visit just for that.

Just look at these pancakes, they took some time for presentation atleast. The house there you could diassemble and there where some cake stuff in the different cups.

Exit trough the giftshop

I had also found a bar that was in one of the other shopping centers here (there are a lot of them around), it was on the 30th floor and was supposed to have great views of the harbour. And since we where closing in on 7 pm and the light where going, we headed over to Eye Bar (in iSquare) for some spectacular views.

There is a light show or laser show going on 7-8 pm, it is nothing fancy but they have some green lasers and stuff from a couple of the buildings. It looks pretty cool and I tried getting a picture of it. but I will rather spend some time and get the video uploaded. Ill do that in a different post – it takes for ages.

Well worth it this to, but the prices for the drinks you kinda need to buy are high. We spent near 1000$ for a bottle of water, coke and 4 drinks. Now, the drinks WAS supernice. They had a signature drink with blueberries and gin – excelent stuff. Well worth it anyways, it was supercool sitting outside on the 30th floor.


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