How about a little of this ?

There is these health care kinda shops everywhere, you get toothpaste, mosquito sticks and aspirin… and then a lot of other stuff. That is supposed to help for everything, I saw a box of “liver fixer” but I did not get a picture. And then you have all kind of dried things from both sea and earth. Here follow some examples.

God knows ? Thicker hair potion ?
They guy in shop said this came from the ocan, and used to be bigger. Probably a blue whale – they contain 95% water and shrink when dried.
Macrell dried brains…probably
Dried octopus droppings, a nightmare to collect – and therefor the high price.
Cod and orca testicles.
Say no more.
Dried whale ears
Pickled jellyfish
Herring knuckles

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