Old kids have the most fun

Just out of Yau Ma Tei is the shop In’s Point that we stumled across due to an acute level 10 defcon 1 toilet search. 3 floors of toyshop and the top floor with a resturant (and toilet).

I would think that not all we saw here was licesed from the producer. But I cant be sure.. anyways real cool place to walk around and look, we ended ut spending near two hours here checking out lego and action figurines.

In’s point is a three stories lagre shopping mall with small shops that sell collectabel toys. I could walk around here forevere. I love this place. We just randomly found it, because we were looking for a toilet. How lucky are we?

We found a complete set of the Simpsons first set of collectabel figures. I was extremely happy 😀 These are not on sale anymore anywhere I know of.

You could also print anything you wanted on Lego figuers. Very cool!
There were litterally every action figure you could think of on display. Every cool lego set you wished for, but didn’t get where on sale there. At a suprisingly cheap price. Of course wasn’t crazy cheap, but cheaper then if you where to buy it new.

The Trond & Maren legos was 200 hkd, done in 30 minutes. We had to buy the legs and head from the shop next door. We could have done more elaborate designs, but we went for something simple since we where a bit pressed for time (we still thought we where going to have time for a knives and kitchen market close by). I asked the guy doing the lego if he was licesed from Leg, he just said “no”. Hehe, but anyways a cool souvenier.

The rest of the mall was nicely priced, you got both used and new stuff. For the lego, i dont know, but I thougt the prices look real low, but im not updated on lego proces and my only references on prices on this is from the early 80’s. 🙂

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