So, finaly arrived in Hong Kong, a couple of hours late, on the new A330-300 with SAS. The flight itself was pretty ok even if I did not get any M&M’s to help my mood. We had gotten a sweet deal on upgrade to “Plus” and it was happy days… for some time, but then the hours starts flying by and extreme boredom takes over.
So the first thing to do when you arrive in Hong Kong is to get an Octopus card, thats for the trains, metro, boats and busses and so on. You can also use that card on all kinds of shops like 7-11 for buying sodas and stuff.
The best thing is to just head for the MTR (the airport express), they have a tourist information desk that helps you out. Cause there are different options depending on hov many you are, how long you are here for and so on.

For us the best thing was to buy a “3 people one way for airport express”- that ticket came as a regular paper ticket. And then get the Octopus cards on the side – they cost us 150 HKD (the hong kong dollar and the norske kroner is allmost the same) – that is 50 for the card itself and then 100 hkdollar to travel for. Then you just top it of with as much as you like on any of the machines at the station or at the 7-11
Since we arrived pretty early in the morning, 8:30 AM, we where lucky that we got to check in to the hotel (The Mira). And then we just had to keep moving not to have the jetlag take over, we where able to stay awake until 8 in the evning before we pretty much just went into coma. But we got to se a lot of the Kowloon area of Hong Kong before that.. ill post some stuf as the pictures get uploaded.