The search for Moonzen, pt.1

There is a brewery, micro in such, that is located in Kwun Tong, called Moonzen. The thing with these guys is that they only open their brewery to the public at fridays…for 3 hours.

Now, this is not one of those places with a resturant and tshirt shop. Its pretty much some taps and a possibillity to get a tour and test some new stuff. I have also been told they do sell som specialty bottels n stuff. So. Thats somethibg cool to bring back home.

So as soon as we got out of the overpopulated Ocen Park, we headed for Kwun Tong. Two metro line changes in the rush as hell and humid as crazy.

Now, the only picture I got from the search was this one. To top it of I also ran out of power on my 4G router, so the universe had decided “No” on this venture. Fine!

Kwun Tong is in the middle of nowhere, this is not a place for tourists at all, there is nothing to see here except this brewery. And also a local rock/art scene that has made some controversy the last years. Lets see if pt.2 will cover that too.

I did not find the brewery, but after chatting with them on facebook – we figured out that I had been only 20 meters away. You have to walk into a comercial/factory building. Walk towards the loading docks and then there is a door 🙂 ,, we had actuaøly ventured into this building, but I could not vision that there was a brewery here. Just lots of trucks and shouting time!

But, we found a nice dinner place just outside the building.

Just one guy that talked english, but he told us aprox 200 hkd pr pers, and we would get somethibg cooked directley on the tabel..and so it began.

First we got 3 dims sums, a small plate of mest and some veg’s. Fine. . If we wanted more? Yeah – some more meat would be fine!

They came with a big plate of different meats, raw, that you put into the pot and cooked to your own liking. Very tasty, and we asked for yet another cold beer – big bottel! MmGoi! (Thanks). Now we had a lot of food, to much, but we will make it, it os not to much.

Then they came with another plate of seafood, we pleaded – no more!. But they told us it would not cost extra. That was not the problem – we will not make it! More beer, some cokes and water,.. And we actually made it, my god with that much extras we thougt it would get pricy. We had also added sodas and beer. But no, 650hkd total – crazy cheap. And this is probably the regular level, we are just used to the bit more touristy prices.

Very nice, and I would love to give it a good rating on google or tripadvisor, but menues and signs where all in chinese.

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