It was a hot and sunny day today and we went to Stanely’s place. It’s over at the other side of the island so it took us close to an hour to get there. But the busride was fun, you got to feel like a local. All in all a good trip to the beach. The only thing was that you could’t go swimming in the ocean there. For swimming you had to go to Repulse beach which was closer to the city.

Here is a picture of that local guy by the way, I never got his name but my god he was in a talkative mood. All in all a nice guy, but he was very frustrated by how hunans destroyed the ocean and killed of the fish. He told us about all the stuff that is just dropped into the ocean from alll the homes in the city.
.. just behind him, just hugging the beachline we saw a row of small small houses.
A house like this, we where told it was aprox 35 square meter, will set you back between 5-6.000.000 HKD (!), I say!, that is very pricy. And even if the view is nice, what the hell are you going to do here? Water is to dirty they say? Not a boat or waterscooter in sight? ….the boardwalk is nice, a couple of nice resturants. But still.
Here is Maren, this is the view of the house too…not with Maren all the time. Just right now.. dipping her toes in the south china sea. All toes still on, so, not to poisonus water. We are guessing the water was 25-30 centigrades or so. Would have been lovely for a swim, but after thus dude told us to keep head above water and not swallow anything because of toilet and dishwasher water..well…yeah.
Nice and airy place, if I where living in HK I would love to come here for some nice views and fresh sea air. The resturants along the shoreline was also very nice, but maybe a bit expensive. We sat down for a couple pf drinks and some food – not superpricy but still more than back in central. I had a very nice fish n chips! I think this was the local specialty, most resturants advertised it.
They also had a market, pretty standard but they had some oil paintingsthat where pretty nice, but to big to bring home. And I got made a stamp with my name in chinese writing (probably!), from now on I will stamp everything,
And as mentioned, the bustrip was cool, it is very scenic along the route from Ocen Park to Stanley, and the fare was 7-8 hkd only, well worth it.