La Croizille

Our second stop was a little familywineyard that makes 20 000 to 30 000 bottles a year. Chateau   Formbrauge makes 300 000 bottles in comperison. We felt very welcome here. The chateau had an old production that had started in 1400 hundreds. With very traditional winemaking. La Croizille also had a new production wich started in 2012 with a more creative take on wine.

We got to taste the different type of grapes wich we found very interesting. I didn’t now how different the grapes tasted.

We tasted some fantastic wines here as well
We ended up buying some bottles to take home. Now all we need is some patience, because it’s supposed to become even better with time…
Our guide took very good care of us, here she is holding a box of cheese, bread, ham, choclate and almonds for us to enjoy with our wine.
The new building in the front had the new production, and the old yellow buildings in the back contained the old production.

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