
This town dates back to the 767 AD and is buildt out of Limestone. It has a beautiful historic look. What was once a busy citycenter, is now a quiet touristtown. Only five hundred people live here, but they are visited by a million tourists each year. The Bordaux area has somwhere between 8000 to 10000 chataus, 800 of them is in the Saint-Émilion area.

The courtyard inside the town church
Limestone will turn to sand evetually, so there are parts of the city that needs maintenance. Since the city is on UNESCOs world heritage list. There are strict rules that needs to be followed in this project. The limestone behandling Trond almost looks like korall.


The church from outside
The limestonehouses look so beautiful, and the imagenition dosen’t have to travel far to se what it could have looked like 500 hundred years ago.
We didn’t find a pot of gold, but we did find the rainbows end.
The poeople who lived there seemed to take pride in the apperences of the houses.

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