Next stop Austin, TX

Up at the break of in-the-middle-of-the-night to get the flight to London.

We are of for 9 days to Texas, Austin – and a few days in Houston for th Guns n Roses show there. Weather forcast says 25-30 degrees thus we have opted yet again for a hotel kinda apartment thing with a pool. AirBnB did really not have a lot of options, but we found somthing called Locale that has an apartment setup…lets see.

As good Norwegians we mad shure to be at the airport at least two hours early. Whipping our poor Hobbes (the car) to speeds way WAY over the leagal limit..doing 115 at the 110 zone. Crazy! I know!Feeling like George Constanza,»we make good time!,»

But now.. breakfast

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