M&M World (And some Coke)

Just up the street from our hotel I saw a great M&M hanging of the wall. M&M ,being what the bible refered to as “manna”, is my make lange flyturer utholdelige stuff, so there we had to stop by the church of M&M.

I was hoping for the possibility to buy one – just one – huge blue M&M. They do this thing in the US all the time, supersize stuff. So why not a big, i dont know, 10 kg M&M. That would ofcourse force me to throw away all my clothes and computer stuff so that I could fit it in my bag. But that would be worth it ! .. Alas!

They only had regular ones and mini ones, so. No super M&M – but just give them time – one day……….one day…

Four floors of fun, packed with every thinkable product you could slap an M&M logo on. The top floor also had a small cinema, 4D.

You could go pick your favs M&M sorted by colour, blue is the best. Everybody knows that. Its international.. blue, best.

Socks, pots and pans, toys.. Lots of stuff. There was also an option to create your own M&M – again – I thougt I would create a HUGE 12Kg M&M ! , but no. You could not. You could do a customized print on each M&M and have a big bag of em’, thats also cool, but the lines where mayhem and we found it to be not worth our time.

The top floor had a 4D small cinema with some interactive stuff going on – a professor running around. There was also a 3d movie that featured a yellow peanut m&m and a red regular M&M, Red had lost its “M” gambeling in Vegas and the time was short to get it back. 10-15 minutes show, free, great fun 😀 We even got those supercool glasses.

We didnt buy a lot of chocolate, but grabbed a few souveniers as we walked down. It do get to be a bit much, and you get a feel like “yeah?! lets slap on a logo to this stuff and see if it sells ??”

Exiting the shop we ran straigt into the CocaCola World. And it was pretty much the same, just different logo and no cinema.

Theyhad a small resturant on the 2 flr, here you could get tasting menue with tons of different tastes from around the world. And then the regular magnets, tshirts, polar bear claws (I KNOW!) and tons of cocacola glasses and mugs.

Might do another M&M visit, lets see if my bag stil has room come end week.

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