The Bellagio, exebition (Year of the dog)

Chineese new year is commin, has come, going on right now ? Unsure – it is very very close atleast.

The Bellagio has an exebition that changes all the time, this time it was related to the Chineese newyear and the year of the dog. So lots of dogs.

We where on our way to Excalibur to se the Knight show, and decided on this detour since I knew there was a tram that would drop us of at Monte Carlo, thats real close by Excalibur.. on the map atlest.

The extent the americans will go to just to get out of the horrific act of walking is facinating. The tram only runs for like 5-8 minutes to get to the end station. But it is a bit cold, we want to se Bellagio stuff and ..yeah. So we go check out the exebition and then head for the tram. Its and endless walk trough hallways and up escalators before you find yourself on the backside of the strip. Its like you step out of the matrix, you are no longer in the loop. You bord the (free) tram and sit there for some minutes and then you are dropped of in nomanland. No people, probably becuase its a longer walk just to get to the damn tram than it is just walking to the stupid place.

We ended up in some parking facility, and spent 20 minuts just getting into the matrix again in some Casino. then there was a long walk to get out of that place and to the Excalibur.. We would probably have spent half the time just walking.. and the windows of the tram was darkend – so you did not actually see anything.


The exebition at the Bellagio was nice!

Here (pic abow and below) are two german shepards I think. Stuffed ofcourse, they where either stuffed or VERY well trained.

And there was a massive german sheppard overseeing all, that one was not stuffed – It was a real live one. We saw it moving its tail. One starts to wonder how you walk a beast like this, and the food budget ofcourse. It has to eat massive amounts of food… probably humans to.

The Bellagio allways hase some nice setups and is worth the walktrough. Wi did not spend a whole lot of time here – since we where on this biblical voyage to find The Tram.

I did only see german sheppards, but Im not very into dogs so I might be wrong.That one in the picture above might be a Golden Winerschutzle (?)

3 Replies to “The Bellagio, exebition (Year of the dog)”

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