
Day one, 4000 celius in the the shade and probably 28 in the sea.

We got here late last evening, zooming down the highway reaching speed of near 100kmt. Everything went fine, but the pre register express pickup thingy at Sixxt was a scam :). Probably one hour in line, but once we got into the office things went speedy.

We drove into Solin from the airport, and then got on e65 to promajna. I dont know.. 1,5 hour maybe? With a pitstop.

But yeah.. All bags came.. The cars worked. We found the way fine. But it got a bit late, we arrived 2300- and had one beer before colapsing on the bed.

Done a bit of swimming and pizza eating today. Warming up to firshermans evening downtown. The water was supernice, and super salty. The adriatic sea is higher on salt than the rest of mditiranien. So its pretty much impossible to sink. Excelent!

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