DON’T mention the war! (Liberty Square, Budapest)

right, so lets see if I got this down allright. Hungary, during World War two was on the German side – together with a few other countries. They fought the whole war, but in the end – when lots and lots of both military and civilian had been killed.. they thought: fuck this shit, we want out.

The germans wanted nothing of this and rolled inn, killing and replacing lots of guys in ties, and probably stars and big hats too. And made sure they kept going on so that Adolf was kept happy – he had a temper.

Picture from Liberty Square, Budapest:

The main guy in Hungary saw the russians commin, the soviets – the red army, and started to work for a ceasefire deal with them. Germans got mighty mad, got some close relatives killed or kidnapped and had the deal broken of. So then the red army came in ’45 – and both german and hungarian forces where defeated.

now – that was all fine and dandy. The soviet forces liberated Hungary – but they also put in place a communist rule that lasted for a long time. Not a big hit – and there was a massive revolution with lots of military and casualties before the soviet guys got the control back. Then in 89′, when the wall came down in Berlin, so did the system in Hungary and communism was changed to democracy.. more or less 🙂

this is why there is also a statue of Reagan, only 20 meters beside the war memorial to the soviet liberators from ’45. So to remember what was done to end both the cold war, and the comunism put in place by the liberators.

so, lots of history crammed into on square (there are a few other statues there to). I do think it is nice that they have decided to keep the soviet memorial both here and on the hill overlooking the city. But I can see why there are people living in Budapest today, that would like it turned into a parkinglot to.

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