Las Vegas getting old

So – Im soon back home again, its been….. 🙂 .. This is probably the 10th time I’m here – at least. And it goes boring faster, each time.

It is fancy with all the hotels and fake statues of liberty.. free shots and alcohol everywhere – but it grows boring just sitting at the bar or walking around the endless shopping streets looking for some weird Donald Trump pen or somethin.

Like the Venetian on the picture above, very cool – but seen it once, twice…yeah 😀

But – still fun in Vegas, for a couple of days. !

I got to visit Yard House again, out by Town Square – they are supposed to have the largest selection of beer on tap in the world, and I think thats probably true. So I got some new checkins and badges at Untapped….along with some sliders.

Righet next to Town Square is Fry’s Electronics and right next door you have a massive Wine shop with a large selection of tequilas and mezcal that I was looking for. Hard getting there, on the map it looks so close – but there is no pedestrian walkways, so you are pretty much just wandering around in 4 lane traffic.

I also try to stop by the Bellagio each time I am here, they have their seasinal exhibition in the lobby. They where rigging the Christmas setup now, Removing some horses and putting up some polar bears, its probably gonna look nice when they are done.

I avarage aprix 19.000 steps pr day according to my iPhone. Staying at the Luxor this time, I knew that there was going to be a lot of walking, and thats fine – it just takes forever to get anywhere. Also being on a seminar I had to move between 5 hotels for all the different talks and activites.

There is a couple of trams, they are free, and then you have the monorail that 5$ a trip and .. i think about 14$ for a 24hr pass. If you want to move a long distance, like from the one most southern stop to the one way north its worth it.

But like the tram moving between mandalay-luxor-excalibur is just weird. Both the tram stops and the monorail stops are so far away from the actual strip, that you will end up walking trough endless casinos before you get to board it. So the vinningen goes up in the spinningen as we say.

Also, when you exit one of these, at least the monorail – its like beeing outside the matrix. You usually end up way back of the hotel and usually out by the convention center that most of the hotels got. So then you got 20minutes of walking just to get out to the strip again. I tried it a few times, but usually I would have been better of just legging it.

After beeing here so many times I pretty much got the whole pedestrian crossing bridges down. And I dont get lost to much when walking trough the casinos instead of going outside (was pretty chilly here after the sun went down). And yeah, ofcourse I stopped by The Paris where me and Maren stayed when getting married here a few years back – thats probably my fav hotel in vegas.

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