There is a lot to see around Angkor Wat, that isn’t Angkor Wat, but Angkor Wat related. Ta Prohm is a tempel made 100 years or so later than Angkor Wat. This is where Thomb Raider was filmed. It was quite the adventure. We walked out into the jungel and found overgrown ruins.
There were people working in restoring the temple.
We loved to go exploring in the jungel….. unfortunatly we forgot our machetes at home.
Then we Tuk Tukked over toThe Beyon, the official state tempel of the Buddhist kong Jayavarman VII. Buildt shortly after Ta ProhmThe temple has 120 different faces of Buddha. T
This temple also had a lot of beautiful carvings. The area around Angor Wat contained a lot we didn’t get to see. So we will have too come back for those for sure.