Bangkok Amulet Market

There is a market for everything everywhere, this is the first time I have been at a amulet market. I had thougt this to be a smaller type market, but that was not correct.

Stall after stall of small and large trinkets, some massive figurs of gods an holy people (there should be a Lemmy here in bronze, if you just looked for it long enough). Besides the regular tourist people, this market had quite a lot of locals – searching trough the endless stalls, looking for whatever piece of wood or metal that would bring them luck.

We walked trough the area a few hours, with a drnk stop half way – this is situated next to one of the boat stops, so just one street up and you are at the shoreline, lots of resturants and coffeeshops.

The heat inside the market was pretty intens, the air was perfectly still and the roof was mostley coverd by the different stalls.

I picked up 10-15 small items in metal, and a few wooden ones. The wooden ones are often said to come from anything holy or close to.. wood from a famous temple etc.. They are really nicely done and the carvings are really good. So for a decorative effect they are nice atleast.

I would absolutly recomend a trip here. It is a lot of cool stuff to look at, and its not really expensive picking up a few items. Combine this with the close proximity to the boat stop, and some really nice rooftop resturants, its a nice place to spend 3-4 hours.

Might be some ivory sold here, we do not know. Its pretty illegal – but I guess you would find it here. Besides all the trinkets and amulets, there where a couple of shops there that sold chains and different boxes to use/mount the amulets you got.

Located right next to the Maharaj bot stop, or real close to Sanam Luang.

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