Great day in Bangkok

Another great day in Bangkok, and also the last – tomorrow we are flying out to Cambodia to check out the Angkor Wat site, I think thats gonna be awsome.

Todays outing took us to the Erawan Museum, some 30 minutes away from our hotel. We used the Grab app, thats basically the same as Uber – but it covers both private cars and taxis and also motorcycles/scooters. We threw in an extra 100 bat’s and did a premium car to the Erawan site.. Works very fine, they have these purple pickup-points that shows up on the map, so you dont have to spend for ages explaining where to get picked up. Just go towards the pickup point u selected and they are there,.

The Erawan site was cool, dedicated to one of the main means of transportstion for one of the bigger gods. You will se this elephat in lots of flags and symbols all over asia, but with different names and usually a different amount of tusks and heads.

Super hot ! but take notice that when visiting the belly of the elephant, and the basement area with the art exhibit – they have AC on full blast.. so, just know that at the end of all thos stairs you will be in 24centigrade heaven (yeah – that is the “cold”)

The surrounding par was amazing, with tons of statues and symbols. The instalation shown above here is from the great ‘War on the crabs’ from 600AD.. amazing stuff.

Incredible space under the elephat, lots of figures and icons all over the place. Do spend some time reading up on what you are actually looking at and get some references on the symbolic (is that a word?).

There was lots of benches and chairs scattered around the garden, so many places to sit down and fill up on water and just look around. We went here on a tuesday at 1400 ish, not to many people and we had the place pretty much to ourself, filled up a lot just before we left, and you had to stand in line for a photograph etc.

Of course – exit trough the gift shop, but really not alot to buy. Unless you wanna drag a 1 tonne figure of the elephat around, and thats a no-go with 20kg max on the plane.

We spent a good 2 hours here, could probably spent a couple more if we decided to go for lunch at one of the resturants… but the heat was intense.

Finished of the night with a snack at this place, the one on the left, wonton soup with redbbq pork, great stuff! Tomorrow mornin its of to the airport and to Cambodia !

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