Hot day in Siem Reap

We had major issues getting to sleep last night- might have been that redbull drink at the end of the night, or Arne (thats the name of our soon retired sircondition in the hotell room) was doing a halfhearted job. Dunno, but it was lik 3 AM before i think i was out.

Our most excelent hotel, Popular Hotel and Spa, has tuk tuk drivers of their own outside.. not that getting a tuktuk is a problem, they are everywhere and do not take no for an answer. I do feel that this whole place has a ‘India’ feel to it – lots of similarities .. tuktuk’s being one.

Anywho.., For 12$ we get a ride from the hotel, to the ticket office and then to Angkor Wat. There the driver waits for to-three hours until you are all sweated out and drives you back. Not to shabby

No pictures excist of the ticket office, we forgot about it. Picture if you will, a big hall,, lots of people, vending machines and a train-station-feel, without tracks and train… yeah. Tons of booths.

So its 62$ pr person for a 3 day pass, and most people goes for this option. It is a huge area, Angkor Wat just being the main temple area (temple/ some say mausoleum), and you are pretty much done afte 2-3 hours due to heat.

Tickets comes with your picture on it – so, just slab a magnet on the back of it and then you have a grade A souvenier. Jeppsi peppsi !

So Maren wil put up some pictures of the site itself, it was awsome to finaly get here. This is one of those places I have sat at home and looked at on youtube.. cool

Look at how dry I am.. My good lord Khutulu I was warm, it was boiling inside the temple. It was probably the most hot and humid place I have ever been in.. at least a top 3. There are people selling water not to far away from the main area – but bring a couple of liters anyway.

Angkor Wat from the tuktuk dropoff site (that was full of booths selling whatever)

Huge area, but we kinda covered this spot in a couple hos hours. We are going back tomorrow, a few things we wanna do.. se the sunrise ( yeah, getting up at 5AM) and climbing the stairs to the top, its not open for climbing all days – today it was closed.

Note that you ned grådig-lange-stuttbukser (long shorts), that covers the knees – if you show knees – or to much shoulder -, you will have issues getting in everywhere. Also – midday, we where here at 14:00, and according to our driver there was ‘no one’ here.. leter in the afternoon lots more people came, but as you see on the pictures, come midday when its at its hottest, and enjoy a bit more space and silence.

After exiting the park (its a huge floating walkway across the lake..bouncy) and finding our driver – we really really had deserved a beer. And I had checked in advance, there are two microbreweries in Siem Reap – we went for ‘The Local’ – run by three americans that moved here some years ago.

Pretty basic setup, 3 home made on tap (gefe,lager and ipa), and the ‘friends’ on tap. The lager was my fav.. The place was pretty much just tourists and expats, but still – supernice people at the bar and well worth a visit.

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