Somewhere in Asia

So, finaly we’re here, planned for a year – replanned last month due to the Chineese embassy being a messed up place of documents and prcocesses (itil4 ?)

China got scrapped, we will now fly into Bangkok in Thailand and then just see what happens. A rough plan is a few days in Angkor Wat (Siam Reap, Cambodia), then 14 days or so in Vietnam and then a couple of weeks in Myanmar (visas still pending).

It’ll be nice to do a 5 week vacation, its been a long time since we had such a long period of days off. We are a bit unsure of the cost of this tripp still, but hotels and flights look cheap. And food should’nt be to costly… of all the things we wanna do – of course – testing out the Vietnameese kitchen is one of the absolutes. For all the war memorials and stuff, naaah, lets see. But a few museums should be ticked of at least.

Remi and Trine drove us to OSL

Flight leaves at 1600 – but this is Norwegian, so it will probably be delayed. 🙂

I put a bid in for the norwegian premium class, usually the are 4500NOK pr pers, but my bid for 1800NOk got accepted (yey!), so the aprox 10 hr flight should be smooth sailing.

And there it came, while writing this, “Your flight to Bangkok has been delayed..”. Only 1 hour so far – but lets see when we end up leaving. 🙂

Due to the premium seats we got lounge access, free bubbles and wine. So no worries 🙂 .. Boarding in a couple of hours!

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