Touristy spot, and some beer

We headed out to see the sun rise over Angkor Wat ( ir was beautifull), we knew there where going to be a few of us – tourists that is.

Thi is as close to the ‘classic’ picture I got, and to be honest – we rather tried to savour the moment 🙂

just look at this…

and while Im at it.. what the fuck is the deal with these chairs??!

Urelated I know, but these chairs are for adults that want to grab some food… lord allnighty! They didnt even reach me to the knee.

Anyways, like Monkey Mia in Australia, the sinrise in Angkor Wat has gone bananas, to many people.. but still, nice to get ther early and check out the ruins before they turn up the heat!

Anyways2 – Angkor – pool and breakfast at hotel – 1 hour silent contemplation, and the we went tuk tuking again. Time to visit the second and last microbrewery in Siem Reap, this on a bit more up-scale

Great location, excelent chairs and big fans.. some flies and the fish pool could have used some cleaning, but otherwise tiptop.

We had the ipa, weisse, saison, dark and golden. Fine all of them, but not anything out of the ordinary…saison one was prob the best, atleast thats my opinon.

We just had a snack, shared bbq pulled pork balls (haha), made with the local beer, as many of their dishes where.. so thats a big plus

We also did a taster, good stuff. 1 beer, 0,33, was like 5$ – thats superexpesive here, and that was probably why there where just 4 of us in the whole place.

I would say that the guys at ‘The Local’ do a better beer, but the food and seating is nicer here.

here is a video of a selfie person, there was a lit of them around angkor wat 😀

Yeah, and we got to go up in the angkor wat tower thingy – terrible hig and steep stairs, here is Mare comming down.

Nice view up there, could see the whole area spread out

One would think that a people capable of creating Angkor Wat, would be able to come up with something better – when it comes to chairs for grownups – than this stuff:

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