Walk down to the river

We got up today at noon-ish, I think I slept for 12 hours 🙂

We had decided to walk down to the Amulet market (20 min walk). But kept getting rerouted do to the king or someone important was in town. Traffic and streeta blocked off every where.. got there in the end.


Ofcourse we sat down just after 1400 – so, no beer ! Not that its that important drinking beer, but its 1000 degrees here, and a beer after a nice walk is … nice

Great lemon drink ! probably way healthier than a beer anyways.

this is also one of the ferry stops along the river… most of the stops consist of a major tourist setup, with travel agencies and fridgemagnet salesmen/women/hen.. saleshen..hehe

Anyways, prices are also a bit higher closer to these spots. But the view is nice, and there is a breeze from the river thats nice

moe on the amulet thingy later on.. i just found a brew-bar on tripadvisor.

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