Bagan next

We booked our flight trough, I had a hard time finding tickets on any of the well known internet agencies. Easy peasy – but you need to put in a lot of info and also all passport info. After you are done and you have paid, it goes to a manual registration, and tickets are issued within 24 hours.

Trough the website it said it was a direct flight, but the screens at the airport (Terminal 3 is domestic in Yagon) says we are flying via HeHo – so lets see :).. We are supposed to have aprox 2 hours flight time.

Nice airport, security is a bit lower than used to – n’ that’s nice. Everything goes snappy. No need to remove belt, pull out laptops etc.. trough security in 1 min.

A bit funne when both entering the terminal and when going trough security – you go trough metaldetectors. And then they ask you to stand on a small platfom while they run the scanner over you. I think the lady that asked this of me, didnt really think it trough. When i got on tje platform she could reach probably half of me 🙂

Anyways.. sitting having a ginger salad (those are the BEST) and a beer, boarding in 30 min!

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