Hanoi Weekend market

The Old Quarter, where we are staying now, is a mayhem of people, cars and scooters/mopeds – there has to be tens of thousands passing by each day. Its like a swarm or a flood.

Thats why, on fridays trough sunday you really feel the change when they close of the main street, for the weekend market.

It starts around 19:00, and since me and Maren was a bit early – we stopped by one of the local microbrew spots – this one was C-Brewmaster, tons on tap and loads in bottles. I did a taster menu, and the owner poped outside to the street to. get a picture of me – I probably looked very happy.

I tried a few bottles to – this one was excelent with mulberry. One of the better ones from this breweriy.

Prepearing for market

The market runs from the top of the lake to the Dong Xuan market building – the road Hang Dao is closed of to all traffic, and there are hundreds of stalls selling sll kinds.

It is a lot of shoes and bags, but also a lot of other stuff.. some handicrafts and a lot of clothes.

And of course a lot of food! This was a pretty cold (hah!) evening, perfect for walking up the street looking at stuff and tasting all kinds of snacks and food.

A very nice place to be, with no traffic and enough space to actually move around. This was our last night in Vietnam (flying to Myanmar tomorrow) so we where also looking to spend our last dongs on some souveniers and maybe a new pair of shoes.

This was pretty strange.. dry ice’d balls of thin rice.. thingy. Great funn- there is a video of me eating this to.. someplace.. ill find it later on

We spent a couple of hours walking around, got a few presents and a couple of souveniers. I was especially happy with a present for my brother – that will be handed over as a moving-to-new-apartment gift.. And hope he feels he need to use it each time I visit.

I also ended up with a new pair of shoes that I got a great price on – the haggeling is something you need to do, usually you get it for half of asking,. but sometimes it would be nice if we just could go to the real price at once.

Reaching the end of the market street, we ended up at the ‘food court’ and decided to go for one final snack – and a beer. You never really know what tou get when ordering , this time we got a bbq with a huge plate of raw meat and vegetables.

A massive box of margarine and a can of cooking oil – and beef. Super nice end to our 2 week stay in Vietnam!

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