Happy new year Myanmar!

The New year celebrations last four or five days, the final day being Myanmar New Year itself the 17. April, making the 18. April first new years day. It is traditional to toss water on people or spray people in water on this day. Any means possible will be used. It is belived that the water will rinse you of last year sins. There will even be water-spraying stations set up in the capital city of Yangon. There are pranksters who use ice water and shaving cream. But all in good fun since its super hot outside(40C at the warmest part of the day).

The water fun goes hand in hand with live music. There were many stages set up over the city, where live bands were playng and many stood with waterhoses and pouring water over people who would drive by the truckload.

Myanmar New Year is a Buddhist festival, but it also has connections with Hinduism and is, the Buddhist version of the Hindu myth. The myth of Arsi and Devas who made a wager, the loser losing his head, but gaining the head of an elephant. To stop this new head from drying up the sea or/ and scattering fire-shots through the heavens, it was taken away and given to a new princess devi at the beginning of each new year.

The streets of Downtown Yagoon was filled with stalls with various treats and food. Everyone was very happy and friendly and even though we were clearly tourist (one of very few) we were welcomed like a returning family member.

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