Landed in Myanmar

We just arrived in Myanmar by flight from Hanoi,. I have to say it was a pretty nice arrival and airport in general, no papers to fill out – just show visa paper and passort. Done

Maren gettin cash

We got some local mkk’s – 300.000 for me, thats about 1600 NOk. (Might be MMK’s ??) 🙂

sim card lady

In the arrival hall we saw a familiar logo, Telenor boasting fastes 4G in the country. Again, went real smooth – just handed over the phone and they sat up everything, activated and so on.

I went for the 16.5 GB for 30 days, 20.000 MMK’s – dirt cheap.. looks like aprox 25mbps speed on average.

This is ofcourse for my ols trusted samsung phine, that shares wifi and keeps our ‘Trond&MarenPaTur’ ssid up n runnin.

20.000 MMK’s more – for the taxi dude. Pool n food in aprox 20 min !

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