Project Post

We have come to the conclusion that we brought along a bit to much luggage – that combined with me buying lots of pants (if you haggel, you come down to a price you like and ghen add inn more for extra discount…I know, I have an issue)

Blazing fucking hot and humid – my lord. I was just over 1 km walk, but I did have a 14kg backpack. When we got there and found all the ATM’ out of order – having to walk 20 minutes more to a lux hotell with fancy ATM…aargh, we had an issu, cause there is lots of paperwork. And Im actually dripping.. Im also leftha ded so when moving mu hand across the paprer – writing my name and local address 5(!!) times.. the paper got soggy and I had to start again. Ah! happy days !

16kg box of clothes n shoes

All done ! They where very helpufull here, got us a box for packing.. tape.. help with forms.

We sent 16 kg, by cheapest fare.. Sea.. So the box is due in Oslo around June – that’ll be pretty exciting to see if it actually shows up 🙂

16kg was 2.460.000 Dongs in total for shipping to Norway… aprox 880 NOK

.. all of my jeans and my only summer jackiet is in that box. I should have kept one jeans back probably 🙂

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