Randy’s Book exchange

Books are not that easy to get hold of in south east Asia, most people will also tell you that there are probably only 4-5 decent bookshops in the whole of Vietnam.

Walking the streets here, you really dont se a loot of books – and just a very limited selection of newspapers. There are a lot written and discussed about this, but in general – Vietnameese do not read a lot of books at all.. at least very limited. Reasons for this is probably many, but suggestion that the introduction of smartphones and ipad’s from year 2 – combined with a pretty broad selection of tv entertainment, seems to be the standard explenation. I read somewhere that it might be due to the fact that its not anything interesting to read…. well.

So, anyways, enter Randy’s Book Exchange! (retired American – Im at least pretty sure he is American)

Tucked away on a small road, just a few minutes walk from the main touristy area of Hoi An. After retireing, from whatever he did before – he didnt tell, but then again – I didn’t ask., he set up shop in Hoi An. Selling mostly used paperbacks, lots of english – I saw some swedish, Probably a few other languages to!

When entering the very nice kept house, you are at once aware that you are in both a home and a shop. Not that you feel like intruding or anything, there is a nice book-store vibe to the whole place. And as the sign reads, they are open – but keeping books dry and clean on a tropical island is not easy peasy.

Great bookstore feel

Its organized and neat, different sections of crime, biographies, an excelent scifi selection and your classics.. etc. Do expect to find some photocopy books here to – buy them if you like, I personally dont have an issue with those books.

Enders Game, great book!
Randy in the…80’s..? 🙂

Two floors of books, the second floor holds a lot of english, and you should be able to find something. Its allways nice to spend a few dollars on places like this, we need to keep them in business – or soon there will not be any bookshops in Hoi An at all.

Also, you get a nice souvenier to bring home with you. So when you dig it out again after a few years, you can go “..aah thats right, I got this one in Hoi An – at a cool little bookshop”… wonder if that place still is around??


( 97 Lương Như Bích, Cẩm Nam, Hội An, Quảng Nam 00055, Vietnam )

Randy’s Book Exchange

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