Roadtrip to Mandalay

Leaving Bagan today, it been som nice days – but now we are ready for a bit more town feel, that we will get in the aprox 1 mill town of Mandalay

The standard price for a private car to Mandalay is 100 USD / thats around 150.000 Kyats.. i got it negotiated down to 110.000 – pretty happy with that.

The roads are like India.. but less crowded. Not to many cars on the road, same with cows n scooters.

We keep getting to toll stations. 100 kyatts.. 200 kyatts, I donth know where that money is going – at least not into the roads. So we got that in comon with the burmese people.

We are 70km from Mandalay now, and just got on the AH1,. This road runs all the way from Yangon to Mandalay and is the biggest road they have, 2 lanes each way, bumpy. But – look at the toll station we had to stop at and pay, to get on AH1 (picture above).

After paying a giy gets up from a chair and moves the boom.. and you can enter.

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