Tailors in Hoi An

This is supposed to be the tailor capital of Vietnam, and its probably true – the streets are full of tailorshops. Lots and lots of leather, and tons of suits n shirts tailors. Also – silk is a big thing here, so thars for sale everywhere, at different qualities I’m sure.

I have an issue that needs to be taken care of…

My old trusted Motorhead shoulderbag, thats been with me for, 12 years I think? at least.. Its been trough hell, and its starting to show. It fell apart a couple of years back, and I had a tailor in norway do some fixing. (they just shook their heds, the fix was more costly that to buy a new one) – but it has other value than money 🙂

But still, I think it will need a rest – and just take part on easy missions to sweden rock festival. And carry some beers to a park in Oslo.

Of course, looking for bags the last year – nothing really has been worth buying, ’cause its just not right. But in Hoi An, they dont just make shoes and suits – they also do hand made bags to specs! oh yes!

I had a lengthy talk woth this woman about bags.. zippers.. double stiching and clips vs velcroe. I found a template bag, and mixed in the winning features of ol’ Motorhead bag. Added a side pocket a bit larger so I have room for a bit bigger phone. Moved the backside pocket to the frontside – under the flap. Removed all fancy smancy embroideries and shit.

Made it a bit wider and deeper, and extra long shoulder strap – lets see what No Ny comes up with, picking it up tomorrow noon-ish !

The shop on the right, Friendly shoe shop – that where Maren was fitted for custom shoes while I was talking bad with mrs No Ny

You can create whatever type of shoe you want, mixing leathers and colours. Knowing Maren, it will probably be some crazy banana stuff – she had a long and good talk to the shoenlady, and I think they agreed on something cool.

The shoe lady informed Maren that she had some issues standing still – I could have told her that from the start. But she managed the few minutes it took, 3-4 measures from different angels of the foot. I have heard talks about furry and colourfull shoes – we have to wait for tomorrow – at noonish, she will go in for a final fitting.

Maren in front of bag and shoe tailorsVery happy with the result!

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