Vietnamese water puppetry

Now this was a thing we decided to do without doing much reaserch beforehand. And it was amazing, with live music and an old vietnamese tale from the 11th century. The theatre was called the Golden Dragon, there are a few more in Ho Chi Min. This place had a very easy ticket service, you could buy your tickets online, and get a recipt to your phone, which you could show a the ticket booth at the theatre to get your paper ticket . Easy peasy. The performance was in vietnamese, but since it was made for children it was possible for us to understand most of what happened on stage. The people pulling the puppetstrings were behind the green curtain, and they did an brilliant job. There had to be some magic involved, because at times I had no idea how the managed to get the puppets to do what they did. The music was a treat, with really cool instruments.

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