Yangon – is it.. new year?

So we woke up to pumping techno amd rock beats at 09:00 – something was afoot.!!

I have noticed that the waterfedtival is on in Thailand and that ofcourse it!! Thats a major celebration in Myanmar to, lasting for 4 days.

I have never taken part in this water festival, but its big – like christmas back home. All cullumenating in the Burmese newyear. (in Thailand this is know as the sangkran – same same)

We hit the streets pretty quick after waking up, I am now without any clean clothes at all – and the hotell charges 10$ a sock for laundry.

But we soon figured out, this being a public holliday, most shops are closed and laundrys where impossible to find. – no worries.

Yangon, from hotel room

Anyways, in Yangon the water festival is pretty much a big party. And locals drive around in pickups and stop at differet waterposts where they are hsoed down, usually to some live music – it seems. The pictures I got where yous outside our hotel, we just had a small storll to se if there was anyone up for laundry 🙂

We found som excelent breakfast! Chicken byriani. And looking on all the stalls beeing set up – we will probably taste a lot more local snaks the next days.

40c’ here today – blazing.. so staying in the nice cool pool until the sun grows a bit tired.

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