2 Day trip to Germany

Fortinet has its Fast&Secure seminar in Berlin this week, Tuesday and Wednesday. I was hoping to fly in on Monday but work messed that up – then again, work is why I got here…

The conference or seminar or whatever its called, is at the Ritz Carlton – and that’s also where I got a room for a couple of days. Fancy smancy hotel.

Anyways – landed early Tuesday, and being the dedicated employee that I am.. I heeded STRAIGHT to the different sessions and talks. Pretty straight away -ish.

Arriving while the doughnuts and coffee was being brought out gave me a minor bump in the road – but after that i went STRAIGHT into the session talks.

Fast n secure is not as big as, for example, Fortinet Accelerate – i think we are aprox 240 in total. Invite only – so no re-sellers, thats nice.

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