After googeling around a bit we foud the Ġgantija temple on Gozo, supposed to be the / or the second oldest man made building in the world (there is some old stuff in turkey)

We opted out on the hop-on-hop-off hell that is the reb busses/ferries, and did the regular ferry from Cirkewwa to Mggarr on the island of Gozo. Nice calm n easy crossing, on a big car ferry.

Besides the temple itself, there is a small muesum also. Showing old pottery, jewøery amd tools – dating vack 5600 years.. so thats older than the pyramids, way older.

Of course, it has had its wear over the years – but again, 5600 years old..thats a bit, older than the stonehenge.. really cool.

The whole area was really nice laid out, and for us beeing here in start of low season it was not crowded at all. Really cool site – of course it also had a giftshop at the end.. fridge magnets aquired!