Up and about super early today, wanna try getting to the beach before the i ferno, that is the sun, sets in
The beach is just over 1 kilometer from the house, so not a really long walk.

Lots of twists and turns, stairs going up n down. And even thoug I was early (0755), the sun had started to hit the stone walls – pretty much making it a walk in a oven 🙂

But I made it ! – and the water was excelent, the beach was sand (most beaches/bathing areas, are stone). Crystal clear waters.

There was a kiosk that sold water and icecream, but it was still setting up, så – next time.

There was a taxi boat that charged 10euros for a returning trip – I think that when the real heat kicks in, it will be worth it. :).. boat was 2 minuts, walking was 20 minutes.