Hergė Museum

One of the things we decided on right away when going to Belgium, was to visit the Hergė museum, also know as the TinTin museum

Mr TinTin

Its located outside of Brussels in Louvain-la-Neuve.. and the spelling is important here, they said, cause some people and up in the wrong place. Also – google maps really wanna send you with bus from Ottignies, for some reason.. but there is a train service all the way there.

First Sunday of each month the entry is free, so we nailed that! And beeing november it is low season and not a lot of people around anywhere.. the town felt like it was locked down for an airstrike or something.

The building itself is cool to look at. But its very hard finding the entrance, we where three groups of tourists walking around the building..knocking on Windows..lifting of arms..

We had brunch at the local cafe – at the bar – because this was probably the go-to place for the locals, packed. And the spent a few hours looking through the three floors of all TinTin and some other artwork he has done.

The museum is quite extensive, and you move through many rooms. Most of it is TinTin related, but there is also a lot related to other work he did.

Thats a Warhole

Of course, exit trough the gift shop. TinTin shorts, mugs, posters…. Puzzles.. silverwear..cards..figurines.. books , cartoons.. pins.. buttons.

They had a picture of the Dalai Lama reading the TinTin in Tibet book 🙂

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