Hoffy’s, Antwerp

Traveling between cities in Belgium is real easy – the cost is pretty low but most off all the distances are short. Going from Brussels til Antwerp is a approx 40 min ride.

So, trying to see as much of Belgium as possible, we headed out towards Antwerp from midi station in Brussels early morning.

We had checked for brunch options before we left, and Hoffy’s had tons of good ratings – also beeing pretty close to the train station.

This is probably the Jewish area of Antwerp, as you se the distinct clothes, hats and curls all over the place. Also, Hoffy’s is a resturant/Delhi serving Yiddish quisine.

It is run by 3 Brothers, Hoffmann,. And has been around for quite a while. Entering the shop there is a massive display of the different traditional foods – and then there is 10-15 tables in the back

It works so that you get a table, their either inform the waiter of the different bits you want – or you just go to the counter and point and ask. We did the latter, and ended up just asking one of the brothers if they just could put together something they recommended. Which they where more than happy to do..we’re talking supernice extra extrovert guys – very welcoming people.

A starter on the house. Hummus – top notch.
Som bread and pickles. The red stuff is some kind of horseraddish thing..very tasty
Cabbage roll, potatoes, slab of meat underneath there..ricemushrooms..etc

We got different plates, Maren had more of the chicken options, and some other sides. The, what i think, main guy came over for a chat. Explaining the food – remembering his trip to Geiranger and was a all over joy to talk to.

The food was excellent and very tasty – we have never really tasted anything like this before so it was a great experience.

Its not cheap 🙂 .. two plates, a sofa each.. just under 1000 NOK… But still – it was well worth it. And there were tons of stuff we didnt get to try..so..next time.

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