
Lxmgrg has a direct train connection to Midi on Brussels, 3ish hours or so – and we have never been…so we decided to do a quick trip. Also – there is an announced train strike comming today at 22:00, lasting for two days.. so, now or never.

A return ticket for the two of us was around 1000 NOK, not to bad.. near the same price as that Starbucks coffee

We had been told by several people, that Lxnbrg might be the most boring town in Europe. Maybe so, it was not Berlin or London – but we quite enjoyed it nevertheless.

We have some nice weather, saw the sun several times. And we got to try out some local beers – but the beerhaøøs and craft breweries..or bars, was far apart and hard to find. The was a place that was top rated, Craft Corner, but that had turned into a kinda Latina dancehall meeting place thingy.. 10 taps, all of them dry.

The cool thing about Lxnmbrg is that all public transport is free – just hop on whenever whatever. We took the bus up/into the old town, surrounded by the old castle walls. Spent a few hours walking around, pretty scenic place.

We stopped by the National Museum, it had a bit of construction going on – but most where open. The museum had a great layout with lots of smaller rooms, half floors and felt like a mini maze walking around… This was also free.

And – also, we found the one single mailbox serving all of Lxnbrg – or as the locals put it : They are yellow and they are ALL OVER the town… Haha! Bullsh…

The only mailbox in Luxembourg

We also found a very nice pub, serving lots of local beers – Ennert de Steiler !

Luxembourg 👍👍

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