Medina, as far as I understand it, is the old town within the old city walls..usually.
The medina is pretty close to our hotell, 2-3km or so, a nice walk in great weather. I think it was 30-33 degrees here today, not a cloud to be seen. So i usually keep close to the side of the street and shadow, while Maren seeks out as much sun as is possible.

I ordered a breakfast thingy halfway there, not understanding either Arabic pr French (lots of French here)

Went a bit overboard… It came in its own little building.
Passed trough a park along the way:

..and finally got to the old city wall. Tried to get a pidgeon to do a pose, it could not be bothered. A bit arrogant bird.. But all in all a very good picture of the wall, i do capture it well.

The main reason for this putting is to visit the souke, the market – which is absolutely huge. I dont think we saw half of it.

It just went on and on forever, sidestreets and small plazas. Areas for textile, food, metallwprks, misc.
We where plesently surprised that it wasnt super crowded, and not only contained cheap plastic stuff. There are some really nice stuff here. And we got to do some shopping for Christmas. Also, there is the haggleing – the trick is to start on 1/3 of the said price and just stick to your guns until you settle on half, and the salesman gives you an impression that this was a form of theft from your side.

We will probably have another trip here, there where just so much stuff.. lots of different street food that need to be tested.

We tried some random food from a stall in one of the sidestreets, made by hand – no gloves, the guy making them just scraped his hands clean on the counter before adding stuff to the bread. But it was super nice- real good!!

Walking in the market, the roof is usually covered so you dont get blazed by the sun all the time. Very comfortable, and again – very clean everywhere. And lots of smells, the market is full of stalls selling spices

Walked around in the soul several hours, you get totalt lost and loose all sense of direction. But Google maps helped us out in the end, there is also supposed to be an app with a map over the market arean..still looking for that.