DON’T mention the war! (Liberty Square, Budapest)

right, so lets see if I got this down allright. Hungary, during World War two was on the German side – together with a few other countries. They fought the whole war, but in the end – when lots and lots of both military and civilian had been killed.. they thought: fuck this shit, we want out.

The germans wanted nothing of this and rolled inn, killing and replacing lots of guys in ties, and probably stars and big hats too. And made sure they kept going on so that Adolf was kept happy – he had a temper.

Picture from Liberty Square, Budapest: Continue reading “DON’T mention the war! (Liberty Square, Budapest)”

Vintage Clothes shopping, Retrock

Not enough x’s here for me – But Maren is enjoing it big time 🙂

We have a few vintage second hand clothes shop on the way to the ruin-bar area, this is the first stop. I might find a new bag somewhere, my old motorhead bag is falling apart.

Prices are not to bad, for all I know atleast.


So, soon 2 years maaried – true to the.. well .. soon 2 year old tradition, we headed abroad for the celibration. last year we did Texas, this year its Hungary.

As we say – out on trip, never grunpy. (That translates pretty bad, sounds better in Norwegian)

And speaking of Norwegian, they of course where 40 minutes late. not to bad, its below the usual delay. (why is not my iphone putting capital letter after “.” anymore??)

Slept all the way, and woke up at touchdown to a beautifull sunny and warm day. Excelent

Aprox 7420 huff’s to city center, not to bad – 23 kilometers ride. the taxi driver was a controlled agressive driver with a “ok” understanding of traffic rules.. so we bonded fine! 🙂

Maren had us booked in at Gellert, a 100 year old Hotell, well known for its adjoining spa/pool setup, temered baths n so on.. massages.. spa stuff. but a lot of pools. I did not know any of this, I did not even know where we where headed before we ehere underway to the airport.

we had a quick meal. beer, and decided to head straight for the pool area. last nights concert with Glucifer, in Oslo, still lingers. so a beer to set things straight, and a long soak sounded like a good plan.. and so it was.

the hotel guest gets 50% off, so its 10 EUR for a day pass. has your general swimingpool, 40centigrade pool, 33 centigrd.. etc. Perfect for us, that started the day sitting inside Hobbes (thats the car), eaiting for the ice to melt of the windows.

finished of the day by crossing the river snd getting som gulash.. or goulash-like, i dont think it was proper gulars, but super tasty. Im planning 4 days of goulash testing, so.. decent start.

Beautifull city, well get up early tomorrow, and see if the pools are a bit less crowded – and then do a full day of sightseeing.. and find a few brew bars i have noted down on google maps.


For our second wedding aniversary we are going to Budapest. It was my year to do the planning so Trond was clueless as to where he was going up until the ride to the airport.