In front of the national gallery and the house of commerce is a huge waterinstallation wich changes form every 10 minutes or so. Continue reading “A fountain, mirror and mistmaker”
The contemorary museum in Bordeaux had a coupme of exibitions on. There was a skateboard thing that we saw to late and therefor skipped and then there was the industrial / “our visual identity” or something like that… everything is in fremch so most things are a buest-guess. Continue reading “CAPC”
This town dates back to the 767 AD and is buildt out of Limestone. It has a beautiful historic look. What was once a busy citycenter, is now a quiet touristtown. Only five hundred people live here, but they are visited by a million tourists each year. The Bordaux area has somwhere between 8000 to 10000 chataus, 800 of them is in the Saint-Émilion Continue reading “Saint-Émilion”
La Croizille
Our second stop was a little familywineyard that makes 20 000 to 30 000 bottles a year. Chateau Formbrauge makes 300 000 bottles in comperison. We felt very welcome here. The chateau had an old production that had started in 1400 hundreds. With very traditional winemaking. La Croizille Continue reading “La Croizille”
Chateau Fombrauge
We took a wineyard tour with Bordovino. We highly recommend it. It was super fun, and we learned a lot.
The first stop on our tour was Chatau Fombrauge, one of the biggest wineyards in Bordaux. There has been a wineyard here since the 700 AD. Everything is modernisere now, of Continue reading “Chateau Fombrauge”