This seemed very strange to us. Everything closed because of a typhoon warning. Which they called of a few hours later. But it still took som time before our planned museums opened. Continue reading “Typhoon sunday”
A tailored experience
Now you might not need a shirt that has been sown spesially to fit your body. But it is fun. And in Hong Kong there are crazy many tailors competing for your business. We found a tailor that we liked and he sew a few shirts for Trond that where very nice. So Ludvig decided to try it. Continue reading “A tailored experience”
Old kids have the most fun
Just out of Yau Ma Tei is the shop In’s Point that we stumled across due to an acute level 10 defcon 1 toilet search. 3 floors of toyshop and the top floor with a resturant (and toilet). Continue reading “Old kids have the most fun”
Saturday at the flowermarket
Ocean park
Another hot and sunny day in Hong Kong so we decided to go to Ocen Park. The park looked like it would take some time to get to, but it was superfast to go by train. Continue reading “Ocean park”
Po Lin
There is tempel by the bottom of the stairs leading to the Buddha. We visited here after we had been up to se Buddha. Well worth a visit, lots of lagre statues, but the Buddhist did not want tourist everywere in the tempel. So just be careful not to step on any toes. There were food served in the garden. And the tables had small signes that said no smoking or meat. The Buddhist are of course vegetarian and belive that animals could be a reborn relative. Continue reading “Po Lin”
Last stretch, by foot.
The last 700 meters you have to walk. And climbing the stairs, with the Buddha looking down on you is a special experience. Almost religious. Taking this trip to visit Buddha is highly recommended. Continue reading “Last stretch, by foot.”
Cabel car fun, Lantau Island
There are a couple of ways to get tho the big Buddha in Hong Kong. You can grab the buss, but it takes forever due to the winding roads, or you can walk…but its so steep and very hot..and miles and miles of stairs.