
Lxmgrg has a direct train connection to Midi on Brussels, 3ish hours or so – and we have never been…so we decided to do a quick trip. Also – there is an announced train strike comming today at 22:00, lasting for two days.. so, now or never.

A return ticket for the two of us was around 1000 NOK, not to bad.. near the same price as that Starbucks coffee

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Antwerpen, Brabo

In the middle of Antwerp is the Brabo Fountain – depicting the founder of the city throwing a hand. The is some old Fairytale thingy, about a giant that guarded a river crossing, if you didnt pay him before crossing – he would cut of your hand….as you do

The 40 minutes it wasn’t raining

This also is related to the name of the town, the old word for throw and hand – hand throw – Antwerpen… Wikipedia has the details 🙂

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Hoffy’s, Antwerp

Traveling between cities in Belgium is real easy – the cost is pretty low but most off all the distances are short. Going from Brussels til Antwerp is a approx 40 min ride.

So, trying to see as much of Belgium as possible, we headed out towards Antwerp from midi station in Brussels early morning.

We had checked for brunch options before we left, and Hoffy’s had tons of good ratings – also beeing pretty close to the train station.

This is probably the Jewish area of Antwerp, as you se the distinct clothes, hats and curls all over the place. Also, Hoffy’s is a resturant/Delhi serving Yiddish quisine.

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HergÄ— Museum

One of the things we decided on right away when going to Belgium, was to visit the HergÄ— museum, also know as the TinTin museum

Mr TinTin

Its located outside of Brussels in Louvain-la-Neuve.. and the spelling is important here, they said, cause some people and up in the wrong place. Also – google maps really wanna send you with bus from Ottignies, for some reason.. but there is a train service all the way there.

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Dr Beer and Mr Fried, Barcelona

Foubd this excelent place in Barcelona, with 4 local beers on tap amd chicken on the menu.

Nice seating and absolutley great beer ! Large open windows with seating outside on the street.

The walls are covered in chicken related puns – that we do not all understand, since they are in spanish. Thry have pictures of Frita Calo..and stuff like that… Book by Sigmund Fried on the toilet 🙂

Carrer de la Riera Alta, 33, 08001 Barcelona, Spania , Dr Beer and Mr Fried