Local artist at Darwin pub

We where hanging out on Darwin (they do excelent moscow mules drinks). And after a while a local hero came and presented us with a drawing of us. What a nice way to make a dollar instead of beggin.

It was worth 5$, we will have to get it framed back home.

Wedding anniversary

5 th of Nov, we have been married for a whole year allready. Time flies,

We celebrated at Geraldines in the Van Zandt hotel just across the street. They have jazz brunch every sunday at 11am,  live band playing while one enjoys ones anniversary brunch drinks.

I also got to taste a ‘croq madam’ sandwich for det first time. Pretty happy with that!, there was also a cuban version of egg benedict – lets see f we can get back there agan before we leave. A bit more pricy than ihop – but so! nice food.

The band was really great to, the whole setting was very nice. Highly recomend a trip here for a bit fancy brunch and some nice live music.

Arrived in Austin

Finaly here, and prettu much on track related to jetlag. We did what is allways the best thing to do on day one, stay up until you are near falling asleep standing up.

Started out easy peasy at «Easy Tiger», at the start fof 6th street – the party party main street of Austin, meeting up with Katrine for a snack and some fancy drinks.

I‘ve been here before, many years ago when this was an Cuban resturant. Story of that is probably tucked away somewhere deep in this blog thingy. Anyways, now they do sandwiches and drinks. Supernice place where they have seating by the small river running trough town, a bit secluded from the thing that is 6th street.

We had just dropped of our car at Hertz, and spent some time walkng around, shopping some souveniers.. having a few beers. We are living at the Millenium apartment complex, so everything is in walkng distance.

We also met up with Greag at Bangers, on rainey street. Its a beer and sausage plca – serving excelent sausages with all kinds of combination. I think we had one with wild boar and fig jam, super nice.

100+ on tap, tons of bottles and cans. A massive choice of sausages that are made onsite. If you ever get to Austin you need to stop by here.

Weather is also nice when the sun sets and a bit of the humidity goes away. We sat here for hours trying everything from oat sake to double mango ipa. Real nice place

Nice pic huh? 😉

Then we hit some bars, and also 20 minutes of drunk souvenier shopping. Thats allways a good ide. And when we where tired and ready to call it a night, we found that one of the comedy cluds just in some minutes would have a live performance.

Alonzo Bodden, funny guy – and a perfect end to our first night inweird Austin

Yeah,, and here is a picture of a food truck.

Heathrow hell

Lord allmighty and St Peter in high heels, god damn both British Airways and Heathrow ! And the weather, fuck the weather.

When we finaly started boarding the BA flght outta OSL, things where looking good. 10 mnutes late – thats nothing. But then the captain went for the mic, and informed us that there was fog in London. So it was tons of delays, including us. They had known this all along, but found it best to stuff us together in a flight then let us roam free at OSL. So, 1 hour 15 min waiting in the plane before takeoff. Allready now I knew us to be fucked.

We brought out the M&M, just a small fix to take the edge off. But the high was short lived and after a quick chatt with one of the stewards we pretty much knew that we would never ever catch the flight from London to Austin.

We get to this hellhole know as Heathrow and its utter caos, there is 20 plus flight canceled and the rest is delayed. Funny enough, the flight leaving for Austin was on time..so no help there. :),, anyways we are treated as cattle, nobody knows where and how. 4 different ques and 3 different types of psychopats «manageing lines and people» we end up with a purplr haird lady putting on a Houston flight that «leaves very soon, hurry». The whole thing feels like a fucked up intervall training session on both the physical and emotional level. 

We got some vouchers and managed to throw back a beer before boarding the plane, not getting the emergency seats in the front, and after some hours ending up DELAYED into Houston — missing the Houston Austin flight by 30 minutes,

The Red Kia, and three ours later we are in Austin – just in time for the closing of all bars. But we got here,,yes, 🙂 . And its hot, and tomorrow it will be sunny. 

Next stop Austin, TX

Up at the break of in-the-middle-of-the-night to get the flight to London.

We are of for 9 days to Texas, Austin – and a few days in Houston for th Guns n Roses show there. Weather forcast says 25-30 degrees thus we have opted yet again for a hotel kinda apartment thing with a pool. AirBnB did really not have a lot of options, but we found somthing called Locale that has an apartment setup…lets see.

As good Norwegians we mad shure to be at the airport at least two hours early. Whipping our poor Hobbes (the car) to speeds way WAY over the leagal limit..doing 115 at the 110 zone. Crazy! I know!Feeling like George Constanza,»we make good time!,»

But now.. breakfast