Rainy day 3 in Hong Kong

So today was the day we where going to venture over the water to the Hong Kong central side. And it started out ok-ish with a bit late breakfast and some tea, but then the weather changed, grew dark and cloudy – and then heavy rain.

We armed ourself with umberellas and can-do attitude and to again to the streets. Heading down to the harbour, just a 8-900 meters walk – but we still managed to get soaked on the way.

The Sar Ferry is running each 10 minutes and you just beep your octopus card and your on.. costs about 2-3 hkd.

Not to crowded on the terminal today due to the weather we guess. The ferry runs very often and takes thousands of people over each day. You can also go by the metro, thats under the water, if you want. It is faster but not as fun 🙂

We headed for the SoHo area just to explore a bit, but the rain was pretty heavy so it was not that fun to move around. also lots of the shops closed down since there where no people out shopping and the hilly streets turned into small rivers. Still.. we pressed on.

We sought refuge in a bar I found on google maps, Boom Shack bar, we allmost came running inn from the rain. Absolutly soaked – I was at least, used the wc and twisted my shirt dry…or drier.

The bar was excelnt, operated by some americans, and therefore had burgers and wigs wich we both tried – Maren also had chicken in waffel,, pretty nice. And there was beetroot fries, very nice, never tasted that before.

We got to Aberdeen street and popped into a few shops every now and then partly to get out of rain but also to look for souvenier and presents.

Big fan, very big.. looks cool
These dolls look like they are heving fun?

Most of the shop pictures here are from the PMQ center. This building hosts lots of independetn artist and independet shops. Lots of cool stuff, and you also got an “indoor outdoor” experience, so – allways under roof to get out of rain and then 6 floors of different shops.

Picture above and below, the PMQ – excelent place. We just got to do the one building, going back for the other half another day. Great place to wander if weather is bad, or if its good. They hade open sky cafe and such to.

Picture below is from a shop over the street from PMQ, Maren is buyibg a few presents – and two polaroid photos of the shop owners cat – Tiger.

We took a pair of Lions home to Norway 🙂

So, lots of rain today, but we got to se a bit of SoHo and we are absolutley comming back another day when the weather is a bit nicer. The return back to the hotel was via a pitstop at Starbucks and then the metro under the bay. Pretty exhausted, and the planned swim in the pool was exchanged for a glass of cava at the hotel room… of course after a hughe meal of dim sum next door 🙂

Hong Kong, day 2.

Woke up not to early today, think I had something like 12-13 hours of non-stop sleep. That big dim sum meal did tha trick I think. Anyways, today is sunday and we had noe plans in particular

So we took to the streets again,  heading towards Victoria Harbour. As i said before, the hotel is at Kowloon wich is the area on the oter side of Victoria Harbour, the area we are in is called Tsim Sha Tsui – and we have pretty much stayed within this area… Tomorrow we will venture further outside of this kinda posh fancy area.

Crazy kid

Bruce Lee was an American but of Chineese decent – both parents where chineese. I dont know the ties to Hong kong, but he hade a big mansion here – the mansion i still here… Bruce is not.  – and Bruce Lee also died here in Hong Kong. So of course there is a statue of the man himself.

Lazy kid

Lots of people stopping by and taking a picture. And a lot also trying some flying kicks n stuff… i did not.

We also got a view of the harbour for the first time, and me And maren got that new header picture for the travel blog. The weather was ok, some rainshower that lasted only a few minutes, and some clouds – but the view was nice due to the clear air atleast. And yeah, it is crazy humid and hot. I’m dripping..

LCX Shopping center

And also, we got to visit a hughe shopping center, which is not my ideal way to spend time. But I had found a Moomie Cafe on google maps researching some weeks before – and I knew Maren would really like this. So..shopping center.

The fun thing is, I knew that this would be sweet and nice and cuddely and moomie moomie.. But someplace, in the back of my mind I thoght. Finland… Lapin Kulta…hmm.. It cant ? No ? .. not in moomie land ? surely ?

Oh yeah ! Moomin cafe had Lapin Kulta

But yeah, they did – happy days. They also had lots and lots of moomie stuff of course. And it was all nice, the foob and drinks was nicely presentended and tasted great. Not the cheapest place I have to say. But, the big sellingpoint was the view, overlooking Victoria Harbour and all the ferris crossing –  it was well worth the visit just for that.

Just look at these pancakes, they took some time for presentation atleast. The house there you could diassemble and there where some cake stuff in the different cups.

Exit trough the giftshop

I had also found a bar that was in one of the other shopping centers here (there are a lot of them around), it was on the 30th floor and was supposed to have great views of the harbour. And since we where closing in on 7 pm and the light where going, we headed over to Eye Bar (in iSquare) for some spectacular views.

There is a light show or laser show going on 7-8 pm, it is nothing fancy but they have some green lasers and stuff from a couple of the buildings. It looks pretty cool and I tried getting a picture of it. but I will rather spend some time and get the video uploaded. Ill do that in a different post – it takes for ages.

Well worth it this to, but the prices for the drinks you kinda need to buy are high. We spent near 1000$ for a bottle of water, coke and 4 drinks. Now, the drinks WAS supernice. They had a signature drink with blueberries and gin – excelent stuff. Well worth it anyways, it was supercool sitting outside on the 30th floor.


Day 1, Kowloon area around the Hotel

Since it was our first day we did not venture far away from the hotel, trough google maps we found Caterking, a dim sum place with a rating of 3.6. We gave it a try. My god. If this is a 3.6 place – I cant wait to try a 4.7 place.

Baked BBq Pork Bun

They had lots of different dim sum’s, and you got a form to fill out with what and how much you wanted. We tried a lot different, but without question, no doubt, the baked bbq pork bun was the winner. It was SO go – and we had a few to many.

Maren with a Baked BBQ Pork Bun
Vegetable dim sum with a sticky rice wrapping. yum!
Super nice !
Maren at Caterking dim sum resturant

You can just keep ordering as you see fit, no need to go bananas and fill up the entire table at once. You will also get free pot of tea with all meals – this seem to be the standard with resturants and for dim sum in special.

Chineese beer, not to shabby at all.

Searching the menu, it all looks good.
On our way to the swimingpool at the hotel. The Mira has a nice Spa department with exercise room and some nail-thing-place. The pool is awsome. (3m deep)

We also found a huge music store right next to th hotel. They had everything from kazoo’s to trombones and whatever they call trekkspill in english ? Probably devil-flutes or something.

Lots of effects and electronics related to music. There was also an extesive second hand department for bass and guitars.

Fancy amp
Oh yeah !!?
Some fuzz and a crybaby on this one.

Egg puff lady, only 15$ for a waffel thingy.

I had heard about these egg puffs on youtube before I traveled. And thinking they pretty much are waffels, they cant be that different then the ones we have at home. But they where. And they where very good. Very filling, even without addition of butter and sugar n stuff.

Egg puffs (chineese waffel?)

We found a beer joint, that had lots of local beer on tap. But as it usualy is with Asia, it is a bit watered down and not all there compared to european or us beers.

We did a taster thing and had 5 different beers from tap. There was actually not one of them that we really wanted one more of. We also tried a pint of the milky mango tingy – that had a nice taste to start but then came an aftertaste from the outskirts of hell.

They told us it was a lager…

Also tried a local IPA in bottle and a 3% local cider – both of them where nice. So for once the bottled beer was better than the one on tap, but all is not lost – there are more bars to be found. And I have also noted down a few of the breweries that has a small shop attached.

The bar itself was very nice, open to the street and a nice place to sit peoplewatching and getting out of the rain. It looked like it served mostly expats, and the menu was eu/us to,

All in all.. we managed to stay awake and kinda beat the jetlag. The night brought me 12 hours sleep – nonstop. 🙂

Arrived in Hong Kong !

So, finaly arrived in Hong Kong, a couple of hours late, on the new A330-300 with SAS. The flight itself was pretty ok even if I did not get any M&M’s to help my mood. We had gotten a sweet deal on upgrade to “Plus” and it was happy days… for some time, but then the hours starts flying by and extreme boredom takes over.

So the first thing to do when you arrive in Hong Kong is to get an Octopus card, thats for the trains, metro, boats and busses and so on. You can also use that card on all kinds of shops like 7-11 for buying sodas and stuff.

The best thing is to just head for the MTR (the airport express), they have a tourist information desk that helps you out. Cause there are different options depending on hov many you are, how long you are here for and so on.

Maren with her brand new Octopus card !

For us the best thing was to buy a “3 people one way for airport express”- that ticket came as a regular paper ticket. And then get the Octopus cards on the side – they cost us 150 HKD (the hong kong dollar and the norske kroner is allmost the same) – that is 50 for the card itself and then 100 hkdollar to travel for. Then you just top it of with as much as you like on any of the machines at the station or at the 7-11

Since we arrived pretty early in the morning, 8:30 AM, we where lucky that we got to check in to the hotel (The Mira). And then we just had to keep moving not to have the jetlag take over, we where able to stay awake until 8 in the evning before we pretty much just went into coma. But we got to se a lot of the Kowloon area of Hong Kong before that.. ill post some stuf as the pictures get uploaded.