So much good food

This is just desserts. The two small white ‘eggs’ there – super sticky. fried rice with banana.. That white springroll lookalike – coconut stuffing. So nice

Main course buffet, fresh springrolls, pork bbq, some sticky-stiky near translucent dumplings with pork n shrimp

Jerky.. have not tested it.. yet. But its everywhere,.

Pho ! 😀


The green stuff there is ‘morning glory’ – they are crazy about it. Kinda like spring onion meets aspargus.

Ben Thanh Market

Scuse me SiiIIir, what you looking fooor? Look here, watch? Belt? – buy tshirt siiIIiir?

When entering the market it is an attack, 3-4-5 people are on you at once. Its like wild animals smelling blood, its funny to start, but gets a bit much after a while. Its impossible to just walk around and look at the hundreds of stalls inside this huge building.

Everything here is negotiable, except for the outer ring of shops that have fixed prives. 99% are fakes, all the known brands. A Superdry backpack is for sale for 1.400.000 VNd, after the haggle dance you will get it for 600.000VND, thats the usual – just under half of asking price, sometimes a bit lower – at least if you opt for two of the same items.

They vave absolutley everything, lots of tshirts, bags and shoes.

Its darily good ventilated, so not to bad walking around. Tons of fans and a nice breeze going on all the time 🙂

Some pictures from Hoi An

Old town Hoi An is really beautifull – and also super popular. It do get a bit crowded here – quite a lot of tourists, but still there is lots of side roads and bars that are less crowded.

The whole old town is mostley low houses, lots of flowers and big doors – many windows, very green.

It do get pretty hot walking around, but there is tons of resturants and bars to stop by when the heats get to bad.

There are a few markets, cloth, fish and general stuff market.

The markets contain the usual stuff.. I have found some cobra/snake liquer in this market. But Im really unsure of Im allowed to bring it back home. Other stuff is your general spices, lots of coffee, tshirts and jewlery.. you know..

There are, as far I have been able to figure out – only 1 microbrewery in town. If you look at google maps, there are like 4, but most of them are not breweries, they just have a bit wider selection of beer – they dont brew anything. The one brewbar is just outside downtown, its been closed each time we where there, but Im planning a visit tomorrow.

Yeah – and we also found a shop that does modell ships, awsome – they had all sizes n prices, The Black Pearl was cool.

Eating in Hanoi

We found that many of the ad hoc street restaurants have the best food. It’s not always conveniant, there are no toilets and comfert is scondary, but the food is worth it.

Dong Xuan market

Dong Xuan market was cool, this is were a lot of locals shop and there was no nagging shopkeepers. But on the other hand, they did not speak much english. We looked around for a bit and I bought a couple jars of nailpolish. I did’t discuss prize for they cost almost nothing (10000 VND). But if I wanted to I think it would have been hard for the shopkeeper didn’t say anything english.

I think I enjoyed it more than Trond, who has a limited patience for shop browsing.