Day 5 Soho sunshine

Today we just decided it’s sunshine lets do somthing fun in the sun. We starter by taking the train to Soho and found the longest escalatior complex in the world. In the morning it goes downhill and at 10 it swtches to og uphill. Super cool. We were there and saw it happen.

An escalator van never be broken, it just becomes stairs.

Craftissiomo, Beer shop, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Comming back to the hotel I was googeling for a place that had local beer and sake, and came across Craftissimo on Hart Av.

I had a nice talk to the guy working there, and he told me that it was an indian/italian guy that owned this and one more shop in town. This guy was actually from Pokhara in Nepal, so that was cool since I have been there lots of times. He also knew his beer !

They had 3 shelfes for local Hong Kong beer and the rest was pretty much covering the whole world. They did rotate the inventory now and then so that there allways was something new and interesting.

The numbers you see on the picture are prices in HKD. The selection was awsome and I could easily have spent more time there – but the shop was small and other people was probably also interested in getting in there. I think is was max 2 person at the time.

I ended up with a six pack to go, all local but one – I found a Sierra Nevada Orange, I had to try that to. But.. then again, I am going back soon !

Ladies market

Hong Kong has a big market called Ladies Market wich i though sounded a bit sexist, but it had lots of cool stuff for everyone. Probably called ladies market because there is a market with electronics a bit futher up.

Family haggling practice

I found two cool dresses, but it took some dedication because there were really litterally a million different things there.

Haggeling got a bit tricky after the saleswoman saw Maren reaction to the Totoro powerbank.
Got some new shades
Pirate bags, absolutley not the original. The price was way to low and you also saw the details was sloppy.
Ofcourse, this has a totaly other meaning in Asia
Ladies market had lots of bags, toys and clothes for all genders. It’s easy to haggel here and you will not find pricy stuff here. There is, of course, a bit of copy items here. Wich could be fun if thats what your looking for. But avside from that there are fun trinkets you probably didn’t know anyone made. It takes a bit of time and patience to find what could be a tresure for you though, but we were very happy with what we bought.

[edit Trond:] The prices was all up for discussion. You usualy start on 1/3 or a bit higher, and close on just unde 1/2 of asking price. Sometimes cheaper. They woul shout new offers at you as you slowly walked away. 🙂

[edit Trond:] Ladies Market is aprox 600-700 meters. And you do get a lot of the same goods, but I would still say that there is allways something new to – and something you have not seen before. Well worth the walk, and we got some nice and cool gifts along the way. also, if you need some bags and jackets n stuff.. nice place for a deal.

We bought five fidget spinners even though we didn’t think we needed any. At a bargain, of course 🙂

Rainy day 3 in Hong Kong

So today was the day we where going to venture over the water to the Hong Kong central side. And it started out ok-ish with a bit late breakfast and some tea, but then the weather changed, grew dark and cloudy – and then heavy rain.

We armed ourself with umberellas and can-do attitude and to again to the streets. Heading down to the harbour, just a 8-900 meters walk – but we still managed to get soaked on the way.

The Sar Ferry is running each 10 minutes and you just beep your octopus card and your on.. costs about 2-3 hkd.

Not to crowded on the terminal today due to the weather we guess. The ferry runs very often and takes thousands of people over each day. You can also go by the metro, thats under the water, if you want. It is faster but not as fun 🙂

We headed for the SoHo area just to explore a bit, but the rain was pretty heavy so it was not that fun to move around. also lots of the shops closed down since there where no people out shopping and the hilly streets turned into small rivers. Still.. we pressed on.

We sought refuge in a bar I found on google maps, Boom Shack bar, we allmost came running inn from the rain. Absolutly soaked – I was at least, used the wc and twisted my shirt dry…or drier.

The bar was excelnt, operated by some americans, and therefore had burgers and wigs wich we both tried – Maren also had chicken in waffel,, pretty nice. And there was beetroot fries, very nice, never tasted that before.

We got to Aberdeen street and popped into a few shops every now and then partly to get out of rain but also to look for souvenier and presents.

Big fan, very big.. looks cool
These dolls look like they are heving fun?

Most of the shop pictures here are from the PMQ center. This building hosts lots of independetn artist and independet shops. Lots of cool stuff, and you also got an “indoor outdoor” experience, so – allways under roof to get out of rain and then 6 floors of different shops.

Picture above and below, the PMQ – excelent place. We just got to do the one building, going back for the other half another day. Great place to wander if weather is bad, or if its good. They hade open sky cafe and such to.

Picture below is from a shop over the street from PMQ, Maren is buyibg a few presents – and two polaroid photos of the shop owners cat – Tiger.

We took a pair of Lions home to Norway 🙂

So, lots of rain today, but we got to se a bit of SoHo and we are absolutley comming back another day when the weather is a bit nicer. The return back to the hotel was via a pitstop at Starbucks and then the metro under the bay. Pretty exhausted, and the planned swim in the pool was exchanged for a glass of cava at the hotel room… of course after a hughe meal of dim sum next door 🙂