Vintage in Barcelona

Barcelona has lots and lots of vintage clothes shops. With quality vintage both cheap and more expensive. But cheaper and cooler than new stuff of course. If you look around you can find huge varity of sizes and styles. They also have a few used vinyl shops in the same distrikt.
Some shops weigh you clothes, and they work with different kiloprizes.
We saw to stores thats called Camden and had lots of Camden stuff

Used Cameras are always fun

La familia Sagregada

Amazing and spetacular, it’s worth going to Barcelona just to se this basilika. Tickets can only be bought online and it is wise to be early as they sell out.

Everything has a story, and you can download an audioguide witch telle a lot.
The Windows on the side the sun comes in the morning has cold colours. And the Windows on the other side, Werenskiold the sun comes in in the afternoon has warm.
Close to the top the Windows lets the natural light in witch adds to the illusjon of a forest and giver the room natural feeling of space and nature.

Craft Beer Barcelona

Barcelona has several microbreweries and bars that serve a varaity of craft beers. There is vide selection of different types. And we have tried as many as possible.

La Cerversera Artesana. Superb microbrewery with amazing beer and good pub snacks. The brewer serves beer and can tell you all about the beers and anything Else you might be courios about. Barcelonas first microbrewery (26 years osl) is a must beer pit stop for all who loves beers. Of all the beers there, the Oyster Stout was awsome.
Freiburg, Colleblanc. Small beer joint with good selection both on tap and cans/bottles.

Freiburg was very close to our hotell, so we had a few visits here. 50/50 internatiol and local beers grilled sausages and pitas.. thry do not brew anythig on site

BlackLab brewhouse, at the harbour.

BlackLab was supernice, lots of ther own beer on tap – and a lot also on cans They had a small shop where you could buy tshirts,beer and glasses as a souvenier

Had a couple of flights at BlackLab
Beerlinjale very good beer form lots of different breweiries. We think they also madeira their own, but out spanish wasnt good enough to be sure.
Ølgod a danish microbrewery with lots of different beer on tap.

Other very god craft beer places was Cocovail and the Growler

Pablo Picasso

The Picasso museum is absolutely Worth a visit if your in Barcelona.

There are a lot of People here, but its not too crowded. You can easely enjoy the art.
There are al lot of People around getting inspirasjon fram Picasso, and of course he would appeove. Pablo have a great of number of paintings inspired by Valasquez.


Sukkerbryllupsdagtur til magiske Barcelona 🥰❤️

Gaudis basilika er en Barcelona must see. Det er virkelig en – du tror det ikke før du får se det kunstverk. 🥰 Må tilbake hit når det er ferdig ❣️

Dr Beer and Mr Fried, Barcelona

Foubd this excelent place in Barcelona, with 4 local beers on tap amd chicken on the menu.

Nice seating and absolutley great beer ! Large open windows with seating outside on the street.

The walls are covered in chicken related puns – that we do not all understand, since they are in spanish. Thry have pictures of Frita Calo..and stuff like that… Book by Sigmund Fried on the toilet 🙂

Carrer de la Riera Alta, 33, 08001 Barcelona, Spania , Dr Beer and Mr Fried