Bagan, pagoda country

We have 4-5 days in Bagan, staying in NewBagan – that next to OlBagan, witch borders Nayung-U – Its all the same really, but Naying-U is the town where the offices and shops are, the people and yeah, the town. Old Bagan is all the ruins and pagoda’s, old city walls around it with a couple of museums etc.. new Bagan is a collection of tourist hotels. (New Bagan = Tourist town)

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Pagodas n’ Temples

The whole deal with removing shoes and socks before entering a temple, has nothing to do with religion – its a tradition thing.

The issue with this, is that we have 42C in the shade, and that means that the brick floors – who are in the sun – holds aprox 10000C and burns of Norwegian feet fast.

We have walked around complaining amongs ourself about this for time time. And today – our guide just broefly mentioned – walk on the white marble tiles.. and by god, yes – they are cooler. We just never thougt about it.. happy days!

Feet and shies nevertheless fucked after a couple days pagodaing – but not that burnt anymore.

Bagan next

We booked our flight trough, I had a hard time finding tickets on any of the well known internet agencies. Easy peasy – but you need to put in a lot of info and also all passport info. After you are done and you have paid, it goes to a manual registration, and tickets are issued within 24 hours.

Continue reading “Bagan next”

Some pics from Yangon, Thingyan

Fried locust, sold on every corner.
I have not seen sny KFC shop here

more locuses
Waterproof iphone case, hello kitty, very happy
mother and daughter up to no good 🙂