Bagan, pagoda country

We have 4-5 days in Bagan, staying in NewBagan – that next to OlBagan, witch borders Nayung-U – Its all the same really, but Naying-U is the town where the offices and shops are, the people and yeah, the town. Old Bagan is all the ruins and pagoda’s, old city walls around it with a couple of museums etc.. new Bagan is a collection of tourist hotels. (New Bagan = Tourist town)

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Bagan next

We booked our flight trough, I had a hard time finding tickets on any of the well known internet agencies. Easy peasy – but you need to put in a lot of info and also all passport info. After you are done and you have paid, it goes to a manual registration, and tickets are issued within 24 hours.

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Burbrit brewery, Burma

Myanmar has the one microbrew, Burbrit. They are located in Yangon, and we where at their taproom yesterday, but everything is closed due to this waterfest/newyears setup.

But I found a place that sells it – and after some facebook chating i got it it confirmed that they where open! woho

Both where supernice, I will probably taste them several times.. cause everything is closed, and if you go out you get soaked. 🙂

Burbrit is as of now the only microbrew in Myanmar. They have grown quite popular and just recentley started selling cans – to our luck!

great food to.. To bad they only had a couple of Burbrit beet, but Im happy anywaus 🙂 🙂

The bar, Fathers Office, also has its own splashibc station 🙂